The following information is provided to ease your use of this manual. There are some helpful controls located at the bottom of the manual, which allow you to navigate through the manual.
How to Navigate through this Manual:
You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through the chapters. The left and right arrow keys switch you between chapters and the up and down keys scroll through the information in a specific chapter.
There are two things to notice about navigating through the manual;
First, there is a Momentum icon in the top right hand corner of most chapters that will always take you to the Table of Contents when you click on it. It looks like this:
Second, there are some images in this manual that have special features. When you click on these images your arrow cursor will change to a hand. It looks like this:
When printing pages from the manual you will notice a dialog window, which allows you to specify the chapters you wish to print. You can select all the chapters or you can select any combination of chapters. Chapters are selected by clicking on the chapter to highlight them. Highlighted chapters will be printed. Once you have chosen the chapters you wish to print select "OK".